How to Get Your Husband to Be Happy Again

You are here because you are wondering how to make your husband happy. You love him, you care for him, and you want to bring a smile to his face. Is the initial period of love and bliss starting to wear off from your married life? Have you considered that one of the reasons could be that you are not really making an effort to make your husband happy?

So, if you think he's been investing a lot into your relationship but you have been lagging behind, this article is for you. To ensure that your bond remains strong and your relationship keeps sailing smoothly, we bring you some fool-proof tips on how to make your husband happy.

20 Ways To Make Your Husband Happy

There are plenty of ways to make your husband feel loved. First of all, knowing him inside out is a great start already, and makes a valuable contribution to your marriage. You don't want to reach a stage where you have to deal with an unhappy husband. To keep it exciting and fresh, below are the 20 ways how to make your husband happy and to make your marriage prosper:

1. Dress up, especially for him

Do keep in mind that everyone wants to look their best in front of their partner. Make an effort to dress up nicely on occasion. Sometimes to spice things up, wear sexy clothes to attract him toward you so that he knows you have groomed yourself just for him. Hope you have that little black dress handy.

Do you remember how you used to dress up for your first dates? Try and bring that spark, care and excitement back through the way you dress. Take him somewhere that is special to the both of you where you can show off your love AND that dress. How do you know your husband is happy? You just know that when he can't take his eyes off you.

Related Reading: 12 Ways To Get Your Husband In The Mood

2. Work on the romance

After years of marriage, romance usually takes a back seat because of all the responsibilities on your shoulder. This is understandable but you must always try to keep the love and romance alive in your marriage. It's important to feel connected and make your bond stronger with time.

Here are some ways how to make your husband happy and satisfied: light those candles when he is back from work, plan a romantic home décor, travel together — just the two of you, stay in bed late on Sundays, binge-watch a show on Netflix, go for a late night walk and make sure to hold hands. Holding your hand means a lot to a guy – try it!

All these gestures will indeed make your husband feel special. "For me, it was the hand-holding. I suggested we start taking walks after dinner like we used to. It was awkward at first because we had both forgotten how to spend time with each other. But the familiarity crept back and it made all the difference in the world, says Paula.

Keep the romance alive
Little gestures to make your husband happy

3. Prioritize your sex life

When family responsibilities increase and you have kids to look after, you tend to forget about your sex life. Keeping the romance alive if you are living in a joint family can be challenging. Remember, it is not like your man needs your physical proximity at all times, but keeping your sex life interesting and happening will go a long way in strengthening your relationship. You haven't just forgotten about his sexual needs, you've forgotten about your own too. It happens. Let's connect you to yourself and to him again, shall we? So here are some tips.

Get into the bath together and light some aromatic candles, take a sexcation, and read up on new positions and sex toys. You can't ever let intimacy slip out of your life. If you are wondering how to make your husband happy, do the little to the big things to keep your intimacy fresh — it could be occasional pecks on the cheeks or a fiery session between the sheets. Make him feel you want it.

Related Reading: 5 Tips To Keep The Spark Alive In Long-Term Relationships

4. Give him some personal space as well

Sure, he is your husband but you can't refuse him his personal space and follow him everywhere — whether that's literally or on social media. Keep note of the signs he needs some space and don't bother him when he requires peace of mind. We all need to regulate our systems when it all gets too overwhelming.

We have different thresholds for stress and different capacities for what we can take in a day. Remember that when he seems 'distant', whether he is on his own reading a book or out with his friends. Before you feel left out or rejected, try thinking about if he is really an emotionally distant spouse or just needs some good old space at times in order to function better for his own sake and for yours?

Give him some personal space as well to keep your husband happy
Your man needs some personal space

5. Book that special corner table

Remember those days when neither of you needed any excuse to go out with each other? Now the memories of those days come up in fond and funny yet scattered conversations like, "Remember when we went out to that place where we ate that horrible chicken curry and made such a fool of ourselves?" It was never about the food, was it? It was about sitting with each other, gazing into each others' eyes, spending quality time and having a few laughs.

One of these memories probably includes that fine-dining restaurant experience that you both loved so much. They serve the best wine and lobster and have the most romantic corner table. Save up if you need to and take his breath away with a surprise reservation, just like that. His happiness will make your heart brighter and freshen up your conversations with new memories.

6. Learn to cook that spaghetti with meatballs

It is rightly said that food is the way to a man's heart. But you were never a confident cook. Not to fear, YouTube's here. And so are various recipe books. If you have a foodie partner, toss-up that perfect spaghetti with meatballs or carbonara pasta and see him licking his fingers at the dinner table. There's a strange satisfaction in making your husband happy with your cooking. Just experience that.

"We were on a downhill path in our marriage. It was extremely unsettling to see someone you love looking lost. He used to cook for us all the time. That's when I decided I'll learn how to cook. It started as a whim but became a much-needed ritual for both of us. Now we even cook together and it's given us that bridge back to our love that we were both looking for," shares Ian. Yes, how to make your husband happy could be as simple as stepping out of your comfort zone to put a smile on his face.

Food is the way to a man's heart and happiness
Cook for your husband to make him happy

7. Appreciate him for what he does for you

Little or big — whatever he does for you, appreciate it. We forget to do that in long-term relationships. Even if you say a simple "thank you" sincerely, that will be enough for him. If you shower appreciation on your husband, he will know that you are noticing the efforts he is making to keep you happy.

"We start to lose out on gratitude in a relationship as time goes by. It's often one of the first things that leaves. It's important to remember every day that you're grateful to your partner. Express it fully and sincerely, through your actions or words. It fosters intimacy," says Ian.

Related Reading: 16 Romantic Things to Say To Your Husband

8. Do not shy away from expressing your love

Occasionally, kiss him, hug him or cuddle with him. Sometimes, you can even send cute texts to your man during the day to make him feel special. Sending him videos of songs special to both of you can be another way of expressing your love for him. Let him know that you are happy being married to him and you love him a lot.

"I remember when I recently told my husband that I love him a lot, he reacted with surprise. He said I haven't said it myself in so long, that it's usually him who says it and I usually just respond to it. That was a real eye-opener. I decided I must change things right away," says Meryl.

9. Exude positivity and happiness

This can only work if you are truly happy. 'Fake it till you make it' is not the strategy here. Sometimes, we tend to be grumpy in front of those we love the most and keep our smiles for others. If that's the case, change that. It is important for him that you are happy. If you are not, the whole home will be dull for him. Smile and greet him when you see him after work. It is something he will always look forward to.

10. Try to speak kindly

Talk in a kind and affectionate tone with your husband. Speak to him warmly and politely. Try to not speak loudly or in a rude tone. But this should be reciprocated with the same amount of politeness from your husband's side as well. You should refrain from saying hurtful things to him, especially after a tiresome day as it is bound to make him upset.

If you're both tired after a long day at work, it's best to be honest and tell him you're tired and unable to muster the energy to communicate instead of snapping at him. Honesty helps manage expectations too.

11. Cheer him up

If his work has been stressing him out lately and you can see he's been spending long hours at work than you, it's time to cheer him up. He might feel dull and tired but supporting him through his stress and doing the things he likes will make him fall in love with you again and will keep your romance alive. Let him vent about his work and create an environment that helps him to unwind and relax.

Sharing work stories is a great way to share your day. If you think there is financial stress in your relationship, ease that through honest conversations. In case he is upset about not getting that promotion or raise, just let him know you are always there to stand by him. You can even bring out that bottle of wine and suggest watching a movie he likes.

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12. Respect his decisions

How do you know your husband is happy? Anyone who is in a relationship where there is mutual respect and support is a happy person. When he's trying to work out the future for the family, and planning finances or work accordingly, try to respect his decisions. If you disagree, express it gently and with curiosity instead of with dismissal and judgment.

Stand by him when he needs you. If he is doubtful of his decisions you can talk to him and give him useful advice as his partner. Even if he is wrong, try to help him understand how his decision could have gone wrong or what he could have done better. But no condescending tone, ever.

13. Be honest with him

If there is something which you do not like about him or there's something else bothering you, try to talk to him about it. Lots of couples make communication mistakes and this is the major reason for an unhappy marriage and may even lead to a divorce. So, always try to be honest with each other and share your thoughts.

Many people are scared of this direct approach, which is understandable. All of us have different reactions toward conflicts and deal with them differently. At Bonobology, we offer professional help through our panel of licensed advisors who can help you embark on a path toward recovery. 

14. Try love letters and sticky notes

Rekindle the love and affection by writing love letters or small love notes to him. Slip them into his shirt pocket or other places where he can find them. These are the little things that can make your marriage stronger and will make him happy. Leave sticky notes on the fridge, laptop, and TV and see the effect they have on him as they brighten up his day.

Your love notes can be sex-themed and they can build up through the day so he knows what to look forward to at night. These little notes could also include compliments like, "I value your presence in my life", "I am so grateful that we met on <insert the date>!", "You have the most beautiful smile I've seen" and even "Let's make out when we see each other next."

15. Take interest in his hobbies

If he likes to play a sport or dance, then join him in these activities. When you show interest in his hobbies, it will uplift his spirits and it will be a bonding activity for you both as well. Tara says, "We play tennis twice a week. We look forward to it every time and it has made us really appreciate each others' strengths and skills too."

Trying your hand at different outdoor activities together or hitting the gym together can be great for you as a couple and can make your husband happy when he's frustrated too. Exercising releases endorphins, which are basically happy hormones that are bound to make you both happy and bring you closer together.

16. Make his family your family

For him, his family is important. If you make efforts to form a bond with his family, he will feel loved and cared for too. There are many effective ways of dealing with your in-laws, like taking them out for dinner, getting them thoughtful gifts, calling them regularly to check in on them, and mingling with them whenever possible because your husband will really like and appreciate this.

Keep in touch with his siblings and cousins, call them on special occasions and give them gifts. He will be happy to know you care so much. You are now one of them, so he will appreciate your efforts toward his loved ones. "His family now loves me and accepts me completely. We love spending time together even without his presence," says Tara.

Related Reading: 12 Clever Ways To Deal With A Lazy Husband

17. Do household chores together

Share the responsibility of household chores. Do not micromanage by telling him not to do this or that. Let him do his part, in his own little ways and watch the satisfaction on his face. When he gets a chance to do his bit at home, he will feel more connected to you.

Try some fun recipes to cook together. It is always a great bonding experience for couples and friends alike. So go grocery shopping together for some fancy ingredients and get cooking together. Set the table for a cozy candlelight dinner and see the magic happen. Now, this is how to make a husband happy.

18. Go for a vacation

Plan a random visit to a place your husband would love to go. Make all the arrangements for the trip and then give him a big surprise. This is bound to make him ecstatic and give him a well-deserved break from the usual activities, work and humdrum of life. You can plan a vacation full of adventure and hikes, or a laidback one at a luxury destination. Get as creative as you want to ensure the husband is happy and satisfied.

19. Buy him innerwear

If he can buy you sexy lingerie you can also get him sexy innerwear. Buy him some and see his reaction. Go with what he likes- the pops, the dots, the hearts – trust me you are spoilt for choice. You can ask him to model him for you in his new outfit! In fact, he would love it if you buy him just any gift. Go ahead and pamper him with gifts and treat your husband like a king.

20. Most importantly, trust him

Trust in a relationship makes it stronger. Make sure you let your husband know that you trust him and that you will never break his trust and expect the same from him. You will make your husband happy simply by believing him and not doubting him at every step.

If you both have been through a mutual deficit of trust for any reason, there are many ways to rebuild it. There are even trust exercises for couples to improve relationships. You can seek a therapist too. Many couples go through this, so don't think you're alone.

We assure you that the above-mentioned steps are simple to follow and can work their magic on your husband without any hassle. Do your bit and see how your marriage becomes a dream come true.

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